Sunday, July 08, 2012

Eight Random Facts

Pining over there at Hinaing Ni Pining had me tagged for this one. Looking back, I believe I have done a similar tag or tags before—-such as the weird things about me. But this one is about random facts, about those circumstances on me that may be true (as facts) but not necessarily weird. And since it’s “random” and not calculated, I am listing 8 facts here that comes to my mind as easily, and not with deep contemplation. So here it goes.

  1. I am a big basketball fan. I’ve been watching Philippine Basketball Association (PBA) games ever since Atoy Co was still a lanky cager shooting ball from beyond the arc—-on a very delayed telecast basis back then and every time a player throws a free throw, I could remember all so well how the Traders Royal Bank logo always appeared on the screen with the player’s name and points made so far. Like “Ricky Brown. 19 pts.”. I’ve been watching NBA games since Magic Johnson was throwing those semi-hooks, where one of them was a buzzer beater and broke the heart of Larry Bird and made millions of Celtics fans cry for the 1989 NBA World Championship.

  2. I love golf but I haven’t got to swing even a single wood. I loved tennis also even though the only time I played it—-back in my law school years—-I was always hitting air and not the tennis ball. I was always cursing, “Damn that invisible green yellow ball!” although only in my head. I got so frustrated that I sold my second-hand tennis racket the day after.

  3. I am not so tall, not so tan, and not so…nevermind.

  4. I was once a TV reporter—-about a decade and half ago, right after I graduated from college. In a small town like Zamboanga, news are hard to come by then so most of the time, I had to “invent” news like going to offices and looking for Regional Directors or Officers-In-Charge and “invent” an issues like “C’mon there must be something real bad about the garbage situation in the city.” I would start a conversation with the head of the garbage collection agency of the city for example and I would end up with a story how the Japanese government had donated second-hand trucks to be delivered at the end of the month. Since then, the garbage office was my favorite place to be when I am out of news story at the end of the day.

  5. I smoked a lot more than what is necessary and as a matter of fact, this alarms me now that I am writing about it. My first brand was More. Then for a long time Marlboro. Now it’s Phillip Morris when my pocket is full and Hope when the budget tightens. I think I must quitting this habit at the soonest time possible.

  6. I wanted to be a rockstar but the rockstar lifestyle never wanted me.

  7. I only had one girlfriend. And she is now my wife. Of course, I have only one wife.

  8. I love watching Jay Leno and David Letterman and I watch them every night. And if I am not so sleepy near midnight, I go forth and watch Conan O’ Brien. These guys are so funny that I just couldn’t get enough of them. I am thanking the Lord for funny guys like them, they make my day everytime…I mean my night.

So there you go, eight random facts about me. They may not be weird, but they are random.

I am not tagging anyone this time but if tell me something “random” about you when you comment on this post. Thanks.

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