Bloggers with exclusively hosted domains mostly use Wordpress as the platform for its designs as well as content management. Rarely other modules—like Serepindity or Movable Type—get utilized. Aside from being an open source package, Wordpress secures to its users a wide array of design choices, far more varied and numerous than the others.
And often, bloggers resort almost automatically to Wordpress whenever they find the need to change their look and feel. I have observe that most bloggers modify or revise their themes every now and then, fascinating their viewers with fresh new sights and views, sometime coming to us like a radiant and full blooming of a beauteous flower, suddenly opening up before our eyes and then be awed by it. This is perhaps why I get excited whenever I see new designs being exhibited by some bloggers I often visit. It’s pure entertainment, I must say. Even I—-despite that my website is not hosted exclusively—-often resorts to Wordpress for my design needs, tweaking original codes to fit into the Blogsome module I am now using.
On the one hand, I feel that somehow, remodeling or redesigning weblogs—-especially too often for comfort, like I do somehow—-could unnecessarily turn-off readers away as the site’s look and feel get revised all the time, and somehow this would negatively affect frequent readers, for being taken out of sort—-having been used so much to older designs and then to be suddenly be staring at a new set of structures and figures on the screen and quip silently in mind, “This seems to be not anymore the blog that I had become fond of yesterday..” and then decide not to visit it as often as possible. This is what I think the downside of redesigning.
But other than that, experimenting with other looks and theme becomes a positive activity to me, like creating is such an addictive activity—-just like power as that famous adage states.
Now I have gone over to Blogosquare and read about this very informative and helpful post that offers tips in choosing or selecting the kind of Wordpress designs for you. Hans over there discusses quite effectively on the factors that one must consider when deciding to change themes. I know that most of us are already aware of the common issues like IE and Mozilla compatibility, fast or slow loading designs, easy-to-decipher codings but I feel that it is still necessary to be reminded by these elements of web designs. And for newbies, these tips would absolutely come in handy.
And besides, Hans had enumerated there a list of sites where some of the best Wordpress themes could be found—-those that are not even in the theme viewer—-and I found most especially robust is the list from Writerspace, where the gallery includes designs by local bloggers Derek Punzalan and Bryan Veloso, both having gained sharp reputation for their web designs not only here in our country, but also elsewhere. Also included in that list is a modified Simpla design by Jorge Cosgayon whose blog Far From Neutral Notions has just won the Best Blog Design award in the recently concluded Philippine Blog Award.
If you are browsing for that new Wordpress look you have in mind, this Blogsquare post is the opne for you—-ultimately helpful and very comprehensive list of very good designs.
Get the comprehensive Wordpress Themes listing HERE
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