Sunday, July 08, 2012

A New Twist In The Evolution Of Man

Scientists are often too smart that some of them have invented and built the smart Tomahawk missile, so smart that it can hit a target many miles away with a margin-of-error merely in meters. I once had joked before that Tomahawk missile were so smart that if one of them would decide to enter Harvard University, it would surely end up with a masteral degree of some sort.

But a recent fossil discovery in Kenya had once again divulged the weakness of established scientific theories on human evolution and scientists have found themselves scratching their heads, realizing that they are back to square one. It was previously well-accepted in the scientific community that humans (homo sapiens) have evolved gradually from apes towards hominids (or human-like apes), into human-like species generally known as Homo Erectus and then towards the present form of humans as Homo Sapiens (see this Wikipedia article on human evolution).

And then this discovery of a skull remains of a Homo Erectus in Kenya, one that was carbon-dated to have lived side by side Homo Habilis and therefore effectively set aside and destroyed the previously accepted table of evolution that had showed how Homo Habilis——termed as “The Handy Man” for having made and used stone tools—-have gradually transformed intoe Homo Erectus, the specie heavily believed to be the direct descendants of humans, except for the “missing link” specie that should connect them.

Now, scientists are not merely puzzled about this missing link between Homo Erectus and humans, but have now to contend to the question of how and where did Homo Erectus have evolved from, when it is now found out that they could not have evolved from Homo Habilis.

This new findings in fact reinforces another contending theory on human evolution, one that hypothesizes the sudden onset of the human specie, proposing that humans have not really gradually evolved from apes and hominids but have appeared into the scene in a sudden spurt of generation, revoking thereon the natural selection theory of Charles Darwin, as inculcated in his seminal notes “The Origin of Species”.

How human beings have suddenly appeared on Earth is now a scientific mystery that must be worth inquiring and scientists today might find it more worthwhile to investigate this angle than be stuck with the seemingly never-ending search for “the missing link”, which over the years had became like the quest for the Holy Grail, always searching but no finding. Unless if we believe Steven Speilberg and Mr. Indiana Jones.

Maybe scientists could better enlist some Tomahawk missiles in their quest for the “missing link” for they could prove to be smarter than any scientists living today. Just a suggestion, mind you.

In February 2007, A University of Pittsburgh professor named Dr. Jeffrey H. Schwartz have subscribed to this theory of sudden onset of human beings through a study he made using the “Molecular Assumption” principle where it becomes scientifically accepted as form of empirical result-gathering the use of blood serums in order to established the relativity of different species. It is quite a tricky form of experimentation vis-à-vis the theory of evolution since it did established that man and apes have similar strong molecular reaction in their blood serum and so therefore it is established that they are closely related groupings of mammals.

Now, this would seem to establish more the theory that man could have really come from apes. Not so, said Dr. Schwartz since the strongly similar serum reaction of man and ape’s establishes the assumption that they could not in fact have evolved from each other, either from ape to man or man to ape, since they won’t easily “divulge” from each other, or in plain text, they can’t spread out from each other since in the first place, they have similar structure in molecular terms, closely knitted that they can spread out from one to another, but existing side by side most probably. It’s really a tricky scientific assumption, not easily understood.

But as I understand it, this Molecular Assumption theory can be exemplified by the circumstance of two plastic balls, one was small and simple (apes) and one was huge and quaint-looking (humans). They have been placed side by side in one particular place, there even from the beginning of time, and have not evolved from each other, one did not came from the other, but had always been there and placed there together—-not one after the other.

Of course, this new theory on human evolution is very new that at this point it would be hard-pressed to easily overcome the well-established and accepted natural selection and gradual evolution theory that had been there for one and half century now, since the time Charles Darwin had launched “the voyage of the beagle”.

So did man gradually evolved from apes? If so, could we see a good evidence of gradual and slow transformation when the “missing link” species remains a mystery till this day and in fact been widened by this new fossil discovery in Kenya?

Or did human beings did came so suddenly as a specie?

Perhaps, it now becomes a question if in fact Adam and Eve were suddenly thrown out from Eden and found themselves suddenly on Earth full of hominids or Homo Erectus.

What do you think?

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