Sunday, July 08, 2012

What’s God’s Particle?

It is called that way because man had not known about its form and nature in a specific and categorical manner, at least not yet. It is said to be smaller than protons and neutrons and one of it has no mass at all, like the anti-mass “black hole” that is often predicted to occur incessantly throughout the universe.

A “black hole” are extra-huge and ultra-powerful spaces in the universe that is so lacking in mass that it seeps off every particle that is caught within it’s energy field, like a powerful magnet with force that is multiplied a million times; and if one goes anywhere near it, like a thousand miles even, he or she would be suck off within lightning speed.

Like those “black hole” (which remains theoretical in form despite the strong belief by scientists that it indeed exists in the realms of space), the so-called “God’s Particle” remains a very itchy mystery among scientists today as they fully believe that there should be smaller form of particles or masses other than the known matters like neutrons and protons, and they acceptably termed them as “higgs boson” .

Yesterday, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) has finally tested a $ 3.8 Billion equipment that would further scatter the atom and in the process find out if there would be other smaller particles other than neutrons, protons and quarks. The gigantic experimental machine is called the Large Hadron Collider or LHC.

Initial results had showed some promise but the greatest scientists alive today, Mr. Stephen Hawking, bets that no matter what, this costly experiment would not be efficient enough to unravel and determine the existence of mysterious particles in the universe, known as “God’s particle”.

Some say that with this experiment, man is actually attempting to trespass into God’s territory, seeking knowledge that should be well-beyond human comprehension, trying to unravel the ultimate mystery of the universe, that is, the main elements that gave life to particles scattered after the Big Bang.

One of the main concerns with this experiment was that the LHC would merely lead to the discovery of more massive and more lethal weapon of mass destruction, much more malevolent than nuclear arms, and could destroy the earth possibly. And for me, that’s a very grave concern. I think man should stop at this. Man should leave God’s mystery or mysteries alone.

That way, we’d be a lot safer than we could be with finding out more powerful elements in the universe.

To know more about “God’s Particle” please read the full news article HERE and check out the CERN site.

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