Sunday, July 08, 2012

SLEEP - Where Art Thou?

It’s already one o’ clock in the morning and I could not seem to find some sleep. I should be asleep now as I have an early morning class tomorrow and I do not want to let down my students who are always eager to hear the lessons I give them. I would be lecturing about diplomacy and how Foreign Service have started here in our country, as well as in the rest of the world, that according to the course syllabus I have prepared for my SEAS 104 subject load ( And I apologize to our dean for not having had submitted this syllabus in time—- due to some justifiable reasons.)

But truly I could not sleep and I am still up and about. I should be doing what I like to do best when I get into this kind of situation, which is blogging. But somehow, my mind is so flighty that I couldn’t focus on blogging or bloghopping. My mind is somewhere else. To where, I do not know.

I was worried also that due to this interruption – mental or emotional – I have left my blogsite a little stagnant, to which it is not wise for any blogger.

I do not know why, but I just couldn’t find sleep. This must be some kind of malady. What do you think?

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