Sunday, July 08, 2012

Al Gore: Doing What He Does Best

As of this moment, the Australian segment of the Live Earth concert had just kicked-off and among those to perform is one of my most fave rock band of all time, Crowded House. The news had gathered that tens of thousands of participants have shown up in various venues around the globe in order to partake and witness this very historic event that aims to create global awareness on global warming and the negating effect it brings or has already brought to our environment. Looks like it is bound to be one successful giant event and therefore a great feat for its organizers.

Al Gore must be feeling so pleased as of this moment, savoring this latest achievement. We, who are concerned so much of our environs, could might as well be thanking the high heavens for letting Al Gore lose his presidential bid some years ago and then having a weak nomination bid for the Democratic Party standard-bearer just recently. While some said that his extraordinary effort in combating or publicizing the effects of greenhouse gasses to our atmosphere—-winning an Oscar in fact for “Inconvenient Truth”—- he deserves all the more to be president of the United States of America. But if he was in Washington D.C., he would possibly have no choice but to protect the economic interest of America and push back any call for reduction of industrial emission; for this would surely make American industries all the more uncompetitive against rising industrial giants like China and India, as well as perennial rivals in Japan and Europe. So it would be good if he were not president. This way, he won’t be tied to any political interest and could decide and act more appropriately. This way, he’d be doing what he does best and be so effective in it.

In initiating anti-global warming activities like Live Earth, Mr. Al Gore is surely in his ocean, in the air that he breathes best. With this, I give my most heartfelt salute to Mr. Gore. I had not always been a fan, especially years back when he was just a seemingly stoic and one-sided politician; but now, he shows what he really can do and what he can achieve.

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